
Minister of Commerce and Trade, Senator Haynesley Benn, presents a certificate of completion to Carol Bovell, who completed her course with distinction, at the Barbados Co-operative Credit Union League Ltd. annual??graduation ceremony.?? It was held Saturday, December 4 2010 at the Hilton Hotel.??

The completion of adequate training programmes is essential for success.

This assessment has come from Minister of Commerce and Trade, Senator Haynesely Benn, as he delivered the feature address at the Barbados Co-operative Credit Union League’s (BCCUL) annual graduation ceremony at the Hilton Hotel, last Saturday night.

The Minister congratulated the graduands who completed courses throughout 2009 and 2010, ranging from budgeting and basic accounting, to delinquency management and credit risk management.??

He acknowledged the importance of such training programmes to fostering personal development, and Mr. Benn said, "in view of the challenges assailing today’s financial markets, this training is timely, as the management of risks is essential.?? I believe strongly that the saving of members must not be imperilled.??

"I am heartened that … your actions demonstrate a shared vision of the future of our society.?? We must never lose sight of the purpose or very reason for the existence of the co-operative movement."

?????????????????? Senator Benn also made it clear that dialogue on any concerns, including those related to the National Budget, were welcome. He emphasised that government support would continue and encouraged the organisation to maintain its focus to provide financial services and educational opportunities to co-operatives and credit unions.??

"By holding steadfast to the principles of thrift through savings, self reliance, equality and co-operation, I am sure that the credit unions and, hopefully co-operatives, under the umbrella of the Barbados Co-operative and Credit Union League Limited, will survive the present climate and emerge more resilient," the Commerce and Trade Minister observed.

??The training also included online courses conducted in partnership with Dalhousie University of Nova Scotia Canada.

The BCCUL was first registered in 1957 and is the umbrella organisation for some 34 of the 35 credit unions on the island.??????nekaelia.hutchinson@barbados.gov.bb

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