Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. (FP)

Third, fourth and fifth form students in secondary schools across Barbados will be assessed over the coming weeks to see where they are at, and allow for decision making in their best interest going forward.

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley disclosed that Cabinet called on the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training to introduce a diagnostic instrument in every secondary school.

Speaking during a Community Mediation workshop at the Barbados Community College on Monday, Ms. Mottley outlined that Government was conscious that the greatest tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic was the children.

Stressing that it could not be business as usual, the Prime Minister said it was necessary to determine the status of each child, and come up with an individual plan that allowed Government to deliver and bridge the deficits of each one.

“If we don’t do it now, we will pay the price at some other point in our society and in our future. It is not an easy task,” she said.

She described the diagnostic instrument as being critical because it allowed the management of schools, principals and education officers to make clear decisions about what must happen.

“It cannot only be on bells and whistles now, but on functional literacy, functional numeracy, and the social and emotional learning targets being attained by as many of our children as possible,” she said.

She explained that the social and emotional learning targets referred to getting people to understand what becoming an adult was like, that it was about choices, and they had the ability to walk away and give persons the benefit of the doubt.

The Prime Minister called on parents to recognise that teachers have responsibility for the guidance and development of children, and therefore they should not be getting into conflict with them on school properties. “There are ways to express your concern…,” she said.

Ms. Mottley welcomed the Community Mediation workshop, noting that Government remained committed to carrying the services to the people.

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