To mark Barbados??? 48th year of Independence and in recognition of Parliament???s 375th anniversary, members of this country???s East Indian community have presented Parliament with a framed photograph of the original presentation of the Speaker???s Chair.

The Speaker???s Chair, which was presented shortly after Barbados attained Independence, was a gift from the Indian Government to mark that occasion.

The presentation, which took place this afternoon in the Committee Room at Parliament, was attended by Speaker of the House, Michael Carrington, as well as several members of the Barbados Muslim Association, including one of the surviving persons in the photograph, Mohammed Patel.

Author Sabir Nakhuda, who recorded the event in the book Bengal to Barbados ??? A 100 Year History of East Indians in Barbados, noted that the East Indian Community acknowledged the efforts of Parliament to document and record its history so that future generations of Barbadians and visitors could appreciate the very critical role this important institution has played in the development of Barbados.

In thanking members of the East Indian community for the gift, Mr. Carrington said he was ???extremely appreciative??? of the gesture, and pointed out that this occasion was special for a number of reasons.

He said: ???This kind gesture highlights the cooperation and generosity which exists between members of the Commonwealth, and I am also aware that there are third and fourth generations of the East Indian community here. I do hope that this book helps to create a better understanding of each other and aids in bridging the gap.???

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