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The public will receive tips on investments, savings and creating wealth during the next Financial Literacy Bureau’s (FLB) virtual clinic on Tuesday, August 31.

Chief Investment Officer at Fortress Fund Managers, Peter Arender, will speak on the topic: Introduction to Investments and Savings via Zoom from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Topics to be discussed during the presentation are: How do I save?  How much should I save?  Is there a difference between saving and investing? and How can I create wealth?

Participants will also receive tips on how to create and manage a simple portfolio on their own.

 Interested persons may register at https://bit.ly/3DmW83U.  The public may follow the clinics on Facebook and Instagram at FLB.246.           

More information on the clinics may be obtained by calling the Ministry of Energy, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, at 535-7700, or by emailing flb.246@barbados.gov.bb.


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