(Stock Photo)

The Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health continues its fogging programme next week to rid the island of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

On Tuesday, August 8, the team will be in St. Michael, fogging Belleview Road, Station Hill, Godding Road, Glendairy Gap, Deanes Village with Avenues and environs.

St. James will be targeted on Wednesday, August 9, specifically Crick Hill, Upper Weston, Mount Standfast, Mount Standfast Tenantry, Taylor’s Gap, The Garden, Fox Club Road, Reid Gap, Husbands Gap and surrounding areas.

The exercise continues in St. James on Thursday, August 10 in Folkstone Marine Park, Queen’s Fort, Glitter Bay Terrace, Porters and neighbouring districts.

On Friday, August 11, areas to be sprayed in Christ Church will be Wilcox, Providence, Parish Land, Thyme Bottom with Avenues, Sandstone Drive, Limestone Drive and environs.

Fogging takes place from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. each day. Householders are reminded to open their doors and windows to allow the spray to enter.


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