The annual 4R???s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover) Fair, is a reminder of Government???s continued commitment to recycling in Barbados.

Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr. Denis Lowe, highlighted this fact during an interview with the Barbados Government Information Service.

Dr. Lowe noted that: ???Recycling has a business and community participating element, and the programme has proven to be of tremendous assistance to solid waste management efforts due to the amount of waste that is diverted from the landfill.???

He described recycling as a ???thriving business for ordinary people???, noting that many persons collected various items, including bottles, and moved them to collection stations, where they were later transported to factories.

The Minister further noted that Government was continuing its work on establishing recycling programmes in communities and linking them with various collectors.

He gave as an example the Solid Waste Management Unit, which worked with residents of communities at Marchfield, St. Philip, and Callenders and Coverley, Christ Church, to implement recycling drives.

Dr. Lowe added that there was also a commitment to ensuring that recycling remained viable for small investors such as B???s Recycling.

???We tried to assist with B???s relocation to the site at Vaucluse. They secured the piece of land through their own funding and Government worked with them to achieve Town Planning permissions which were required,??? he explained.

The Minister pointed out that the company continued to invest in recycling, particularly with its removal of old metal from around the country.

???They also assist the SSA [Sanitation Service Authority] with the collection of metal from its Wildey workshop,??? he added.

This year???s 4R???s fair is slated for Saturday, February 8, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. One of the highlights will be the launch of a new CD entitled Green Smiles, featuring the story readings of Timmy Turtle, and a children???s play area with Waste Buster.

The event will also feature a number of recycling companies and live presentations from key stakeholders in the sector.

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