Persons within the music industry in Barbados are being urged to recognise the importance of licensing deals for the protection of intellectual property (IP).

This advice came from Minister of Culture, Stephen Lashley, as he addressed the opening of the workshop: Caribbean Music ??? Sync or Swim, at the Fairmont Royal Pavilion on Saturday.

Mr. Lashley told the musicians, producers and song writers gathered that the importance of licensing needs to be understood from a very early stage.

???Musical creators need to understand the intricacies of intellectual property rights and the things that must be put in place to enjoy and to exploit those rights,??? he noted, citing music licensing as one of the safeguards used to protect an artist???s IP.

Pointing to the frustrations that come with persons??? intellectual property being stolen, the Culture Minister added that licensing acts as a ???critical barrier??? for protection against piracy.

Additionally, Mr. Lashley suggested that there was a great need for institutions of learning, particularly colleges and universities, to ???start focusing attention in a more specific way on critical aspects of intellectual property [protection], preparing graduates, [particularly] attorneys-at-law and persons involved in the business, with the skills to render proper and effective advice???.

The workshop was organised by Toronto-based boutique media management and licensing company, Synchaudio. It was conducted by music supervisor and President of Picture Music Company Inc., Nora Felder.

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