President of Barbados, The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason, presents centenarian Kathleen Lloyd with a bouquet of flowers on her 100th birthday last Friday. (Troy Barker/BGIS)

Community stalwart, Kathleen Victoria Lloyd, affectionately known as Aunt Wixie, was praised by family and friends as she celebrated her 100th birthday at her Flagstaff Road, St. Michael residence, on April 5, 2024.

President of Barbados, The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason, was one of her special guests.

In a tribute to Mrs. Lloyd, Ricky Seales, one of the centenarian’s nephews, remarked: “I have been around her all my life…. It is always a pleasure to be around her, and for all these years…around Aunt Wixie, it’s been one way all the time. She has been loving, caring, and sharing with everybody.”

One of her nieces and caregivers, Talita Seales, shared that every evening after school she would visit Mrs. Lloyd at her home, sit down in the doorway and talk.  This was followed by her aunt bringing her dinner, which usually was “cabbage bush and rice…with something else on top”, as Mrs. Lloyd loved cabbage.

Ms. Seales added that her aunt kept a kitchen garden and she used to sell to the supermarkets, mostly Gertz Supermarket, at Upper Collymore Rock, which is now Channell Supermarket.  She noted that Mrs. Lloyd “loves the finer things” and “loved the best of everything”.

The centenarian’s son, Zervester Lloyd, said his mother also sold produce from their home, stating: “If you didn’t have money and you came and you tell her, well you needed a head of lettuce, she’ll give you and tell you [to] go ahead.  If you needed thyme or parsley, if you needed a breadfruit, she would give you…. She was that kind of person.”

Her granddaughter, Karen Lloyd, said that while she was strict, she transferred knowledge and skills to her, and this included “how to sell from the kitchen garden” and “how to bone fish”. She added that the centenarian has “an inner strength that many of us can only hope to have in our time here”.

Family and friends gather to celebrate with Kathleen Lloyd, affectionately known as Aunt Wixie, on her 100th birthday. (T. Barker/BGIS)

Raised in Flagstaff Road, St. Michael, Mrs. Lloyd attended Brittons Hill Primary School, St. Michael.  After reaching 7th standard, she looked after the family’s kitchen garden and marketed the produce. It was also noted that she helped members from the surrounding communities who might have been in need.

She was married to Evans Lloyd (now deceased) and has one child, one grandchild, and two great-grandchildren.  Mrs. Lloyd also has two living siblings.

The centenarian, who loved to cook in her younger days, enjoys eating whatever is prepared for her, even though she loves ground provisions and cabbage. Mrs. Lloyd, who overall is in good health, enjoys relaxing at home and interacting with family and friends, as well as watching TV and keeping close to God.   

Dame Sandra presented Mrs. Lloyd with a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of non-alcoholic wine, and a personalised card.  This was followed by a toast and rendering of the “Happy Birthday” song.

In thanking Mrs. Lloyd’s family for the invitation, Dame Sandra remarked that Mrs. Lloyd’s caregivers “have been doing a good job”. She said: “We are all appreciative of all the work they have been doing, and especially you Samantha, you stay with her all during the day and all during the night…. She looks happy, so you have been doing a good job.”

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