The Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment, Urban and Rural Development will be conducting a pilot test for its Survey of Living Conditions (SLC) from next Tuesday, October 20, until Sunday, October 25.

The SLC is an objective assessment, which seeks to obtain information on household expenditure and income, housing, education, the labour force, and other social conditions.

During this six-day pilot test, enumerators wearing photo identification cards will be visiting various neighbourhoods across the island to carry out the ???Household and Individual’ questionnaires of this survey.?? Individuals 15 years and older within a household will be invited to participate, and are encouraged to cooperate with the enumerators.??

The exercise comes as part of the Ministry’s Country Assessment of Living Conditions (CALC), which will be taking place throughout the island until April 2010.?? The purpose of CALC is to get an overall assessment of the current conditions affecting the welfare of people, and to identify policies, strategies, action programmes and projects that would reduce the extent and severity of poverty in Barbados.

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