
CSME Overview

The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is designed to be a single economic space created by unifying the markets of all Member States of the Community. It will thus allow persons in CARICOM Member States to be better able to conduct business transactions by a common set of rules and regulations and to be accorded the same treatment as nationals of any Member State.

Elements of Hassle Free Travel

Below are the main elements needed to ensure safe and hassle free travel throughout all the CARICOM national states.


Updates from CARICOM meetings

Daryll Jordan Students Get A Taste Of CARICOM

Daryll Jordan Secondary students waiting to sample some of the dishes from Trinidad and Tobago at the CARICOM Day Extravaganza at the school today. (S. Medford/BGIS) The spirit of CARICOM was alive at the Daryll Jordan Secondary School earlier today as the students...

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Daryll Jordan Secondary To Host CARICOM Day Extravaganza

The Daryll Jordan Secondary School. (GP) Students of the Daryll Jordan Secondary School will have an opportunity to learn more about their CARICOM neighbours when that institution hosts a cultural extravaganza to commemorate CARICOM Day, on Tuesday, July 4. The...

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44th CARICOM Heads Of Government Meeting Feb. 15-17

Regional leaders and CARICOM officials at the 44th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). (CARICOM Secretariat) The 44th Regular Meeting of the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Conference of Heads of...

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Caribbean Community 50th Anniversary Logo Competition

(Stock Photo) The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) will mark its 50th anniversary on July 4, 2023.  And, as part of the activities to commemorate the milestone, the CARICOM Secretariat is hosting a 50th Anniversary Logo Design Competition. The competition aims to...

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More Information

Contact Us Today

H.E. Mr. David Comissiong
Ambassador to CARICOM
Email: dcomissiong@foreign.gov.bb
CARICOM Youth Ambassadors
Tirshatha Jeffrey
Chad Monerville