As Barbados leads efforts to ensure that the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is implemented in the region, a special stakeholders’ conference on the subject will take place on Monday, November 4.

The Regional Stakeholders’ Consultation on the CSME will be held at the headquarters of the Caribbean Examinations Council, Prince Road, Pine Plantation Road, St. Michael, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM, David Comissiong, and CARICOM’S Assistant Secretary General, Joseph Cox, are expected to address the consultation.

Presentations will be made by Free Movement and Labour Officer, Wanya Illes, on the Administrative Procedures for the Free Movement of Persons; Officer-in-Charge of the CSME Unit, Gladys Young, will give a presentation on Contingent Rights; Senior Project Officer, Bernard Black will review Common External Tariffs Customs and Trade; while Director of the Economic Development Policy, Tax Administration and Research, Evelyn Wayne, will examine Movement of Financial Services.

Members of Parliament, CARICOM Ambassadors and honorary consuls in Barbados, CSME focal points, regional institutions, international development partners, non-governmental organizations, the diplomatic corps, the private sector, labour, civil society, the youth and farmers’ associations are also expected to be in attendance.