(Stock Image)

The deadline for the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) 50th Anniversary Logo competition has been extended until Monday, February 6. The competition forms part of the activities to commemorate CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary on July 4, 2023.

The winner will receive a cash prize of US$1,500.00, and the logo will be used on all official documentation and promotional items for CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary.  The winner will also be invited to a photo opportunity with the CARICOM Secretary-General and featured on the CARICOM Secretariat’s social media platforms.

The competition aims to raise awareness and sensitise nationals about the role, importance, and achievements of the Caribbean Community in the regional integration development agenda over the past 50 years. 

It also seeks to raise interest and actively engage nationals in the celebration of CARICOM’s anniversary in a manner that encourages creativity, innovation and learning, while fostering and infusing the CARICOM identity and spirit of community and unity.

Entries must be in keeping with the slogan 50 Years Strong: A Solid Foundation to Build On, and should be original depictions of any image (drawing, painting and/or computer design/graphic) that uniquely communicates the CARICOM identity and spirit.

In addition, they should reflect the lived experiences of a CARICOM national; evoke pride in the achievement of the Community over the past 50 years, and build excitement for CARICOM’s next 50 years.

Interested persons should note that their signed electronic jpeg submission must include their name, telephone number, email address, and a brief explanation in English of the design and the main ideas represented. 

Entry forms and guidelines for the competition may be viewed by clicking here. Submissions should be emailed to Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM, David Comissiong at  caricomcompetition@foreign.gov.bb
