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Barbadians will have the opportunity to learn more about the island’s medicinal cannabis industry next week.

That is when the Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority (BMCLA) holds its first town hall meeting on Wednesday, December 9, in the auditorium at Queen’s College, Husbands, St. James, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Chief Executive Officer of the BMCLA, Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight, will lead a panel comprising the Authority’s chairman, Anthony Bryan, as well as members of the Board and the BMCLA’s team.

In addition to educating the public about the Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Industry, the panellists will place emphasis on the Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act, 2019, and its regulations.  

The forum will also provide an opportunity for the BMCLA to hear and address the concerns of the public, and speak of potential opportunities in the industry.

All are invited to attend. COVID-19 protocols will be in full effect.


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