Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley thanking Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo and the people of Ghana for the provision of 95 nurses in July 2020. She was speaking during the country’s 65th Anniversary of Independence celebrations at the Cape Coast Stadium on Sunday. (PMO)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has disclosed that the interviewing process for approximately 200 additional Ghanaian nurses has been completed and the health care professionals will be taking up their assignments in Barbados in the future.

Ms. Mottley used the occasion of Ghana’s 65th Anniversary of Independence celebrations at the Cape Coast Stadium, over the weekend, to publicly thank the Government and people of Ghana for the 95 Ghanaian nurses who arrived in the island in July 2020, and whose skills have been utilised in the health sector.

She added: “We thank you, the Government and people of Ghana for that most generous gesture and we are heartened that they have made a huge difference to our public health care system.”

Ms. Mottley continued: “It gives us that unique opportunity, and certainly, as we have done in the Caribbean and in my own country, to assert that the time has come to reclaim our Atlantic destiny. Now the time has come for strong strategic leadership and that is why… I stand here today on your independence day to thank the people of Ghana for being able to support us in our need for nurses.”

She urged President Nana Akufo-Addo to continue to “light a beacon” not only across the continent of Africa but across the world, adding “that we should join you in holding that beacon”.

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