Minister of Sports, Youth and Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith. (FP)

Youth and community groups have been urged to continue to play their role in the development of Barbados.

This call has come from Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith, while delivering remarks at the youth and community training, “Project Firm”, held last Saturday at the Wildey Gymnasium, Wildey, St. Michael.

Project Firm is aimed at empowering youth and community groups to make a difference in their communities.

Minister Griffith asserted: “It is not about you. This is about the country, and what we expect from you as youth and community groups. You have a vital role to play in the development of our nation. It is impossible for the government to do it alone. You are becoming the second spring of what we want to see happening in this country.”

The Minister highlighted the important role that youth and community groups play in the development of the country, urging the attendees to speak up and make their voices heard, not just to him, but to the government as a whole, about the needs of their communities and the changes they want to see.

“I want to hear the voices of youth and community groups in this country loud and clear,” he said. “You have a role to play in the expansion of community centres, the creation of study halls, and the facilitation of cohesive sports teams. Make your club about the community and the national process,” the Youth Minister stated.

He stressed the importance of taking action and using the knowledge gained from the event to make an impact in their communities.

“Youth and community groups need to be more visible and make their presence known within their communities,” Minister Griffith indicated, while encouraging attendees to make their needs and voices heard so that the Ministry could advocate for more support from the Ministry of Finance.

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