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Fifty stakeholders in the energy sector will soon get an opportunity to learn about the development of Barbados’ Energy Transition and Investment Plan (ETIP).

To this end, the Ministry of Energy and Business, in collaboration with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), will host a two-day Stakeholder Workshop on the ETIP on April 17 and 18, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, Two Mile Hill, St. Michael.

SEforALL is an international organisation which works in partnership with the United Nations and leaders in government, various groups and institutions to drive faster action towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7. This goal is about ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030, which is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate.

In addition to sensitising stakeholders to Barbados’ ETIP project, the seminar will provide updates on the latest energy and climate change policies and programmes, as well as share what the barriers are to accelerating energy transition in the island.

The input from the stakeholder discussions will be fed into the development of the ETIP.  The Energy Transition and Investment Plan will include strategies, policies and investments aligned with achieving SDG 7 and SDG 13 on climate action. 

The ETIP aims to be implementation focused, with the substantial assessment of policies and investment portfolio needed for the energy transition across several sectors.


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