Executive Director of Barbados Accreditation Council (BAC) Lisa Gale and the BAC’s chairman of the Board, Dr. Richard Ishmael, cutting the ribbon to officially open the Council’s new offices at the Phoenix Centre, #34 George Street, Belleville, St. Michael, last Friday evening. (GP)

Executive Director of Barbados Accreditation Council (BAC) Lisa Gale, has disclosed that there are plans to rename the organisation to the Barbados Accreditation and Qualification Authority.

Ms. Gale made the disclosure during the official opening of BAC’s new offices at the Phoenix Centre, #34 George Street, Belleville, St. Michael, last Friday evening. 

The Executive Director shared that as part of its strategic plan for the next five years, along with several discussions with various partners across the island, it was determined that the name change was necessary. 

“We are moving from Barbados Accreditation Council to a Barbados Accreditation and Qualification Authority. That is the real plan, that we have a new iteration of the organisation…,” Ms. Gale stated.

In addition, the Council has discussed with its stakeholders a revised framework, which will see educational institutions across the island aligning with a new uniformed assessment system that would better conform to international standards.  This would assist students to use their qualifications in more international markets.

“Right now, our legislation does not encompass the framework. It says it allows us to build out a credit scheme, but it does not mention the framework…. All stakeholders have indicated their commitment to finalising the framework; they actually want it to happen. The TVET is keen to see the register, keen to see things moving. There is a significant appetite for a qualifications authority and framework,” the Executive Director said.

She also revealed that a number of areas required for the new framework were currently being worked on and by year-end, the team is expected to finalise all necessary adjustments to the current legislation governing the powers of the Council.

“Before the end of this financial year, we would have finalised three things. One of them is our credit scheme; one of them is our handbook which the providers would use, and building out the register, which is the qualifications register. A lot of work has gone into this before but we were in hiatus, … but we’re bringing everything to a conclusion, so we can pass on everything to the Cabinet of Barbados so that they can make the final decision,” Ms. Gale said.

The Barbados Accreditation Council was established by an Act of Parliament, the Barbados Accreditation Council (BAC) Act 2004-11, and the secretariat began operations in 2006. 

It registers and accredits post-secondary education and/or training providers; accredit and approves programmes of study; investigates the recognition status of institution/programme; compare overseas qualifications to local qualifications; issue certificates of recognition of CARICOM skills qualification, and verify CARICOM skill certificates issued in other CARICOM countries.

The BAC may be contacted via email at  info@bac.gov.bb, or by telephone number 535-6740.  Persons may also visit the website at www.bac.gov.bb.


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