(Stock Photo)

The Environmental Health Department of the Winston Scott Polyclinic will host a one-day training workshop on Vector Control, at the Radisson Aquatica Resort, Aquatic Gap, St. Michael, on Wednesday, June 28, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

A number of topics will be covered during the training. They are: Bedbugs and their Control; Rodent Control and Associated Diseases; Mosquito Control and Associated Diseases, and Strategies to Control Vectors in Barbados.

Persons invited to attend the workshop include personnel from the National Conservation Commission; National Housing Corporation; BARVEN; The Barbados Police Service; Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Geriatric Hospital; Sanitation Service Authority, and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Additionally, persons from hotels, restaurants, bars and other businesses between Bay Street, St. Michael, Hastings and Rockley in Christ Church, are also invited.

Ministry of Health and Wellness

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