Thirty-seven members of the Barbados Youth ADVANCED Corps recently graduated from the National Transformation Initiative’s Technical Vocational Transitional Literacy Programme. (Photo courtesy NTI)

The Barbados Youth ADVANCE Corps (BYAC) recently celebrated 37 new graduates of the Technical Vocational Transitional Literacy Programme (TVTLP) in fine style at the Central Bank of Barbados’ Grande Salle. This is the third year for the programme, which was conceptualised and run by the National Transformation Initiative (NTI). Sixty-eight BYAC trainees benefited from this bridging initiative, which serves to prepare them for success as they transition out of BYAC training and into Technical and Vocational training at various tertiary institutions. 

The foundational literacy training was once again facilitated online by Mrs. Rosaline Corbin and her assistants, Ms. Glendine Hewitt and Dr. Philip Corbin.  TVTLP course topics included formal writing, written and oral expression, and online classroom etiquette. The training was further supported with the inclusion of NTI LMS courses, Online Safety Essentials, and Core Skills, which were mandatory for programme completion. There were also 12 exceptional trainees who earned their TVTLP certificate of completion with distinction by also completing the flagship NTI Citizenship course.  The training was a resounding success as many parents and BYAC staff reported a marked improvement in the trainees.

This year’s TVTLP programme was enhanced by TVTLP Coordinator, Mrs. Markiesha Alleyne. Mrs Alleyne introduced an experiential component to the programme in the form of educational field trips and tours. Trainees enjoyed hiking from Bath to Conset Bay, a guided tour of Golden Square Freedom Park, and an environmental sensitization bus tour throughout the island. One of the field trip highlights was an interactive session with Central Bank of Barbados Governor, Dr. Kevin Greenidge, who inspired the trainees by sharing his life story with them.

Dr. Greenidge left the trainees with many motivational nuggets and recommended that they create a vision board to remain focused on their goals. His recommendation prompted the final vision boarding field trip experience, led by Big Rock Productions CEO, Mrs. Stephanie Catling-Birmingham. Special mention must also be given to field trip facilitators Bath Beach House, NCF Curator, Ms. Oneka Small, and Barbados Sea Turtle Project Field Director, Ms. Carla Daniel.

The TVTLP graduation ceremony featured Keynote speaker, Dr. Kevin Greenidge, NTI Director, Dr. Allyson Leacock, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Mr. Charley Browne and BYAC Senior Programme Officer, Mrs. Melissa Nurse-Herbert. TVTLP graduation attendees were also treated to a captivating spoken word piece performed by former Barbados Youth Service trainee Mr. Raquon Hinds and a heartwarming student address delivered by Cohort Ambassador, Ms. Tamia Reece.


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