Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. (FP)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley believes that poverty eradication in Barbados requires approaches outside of the box, and pointed to the Trust Loan Programme, the One Family Programme, and the proposed education transformation as key changes to effect this.

Addressing the official launch of the One Family Programme today, under the aegis of the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, in Golden Square, The City, Ms. Mottley said such programmes gave ordinary Barbadians a chance to maximise their potential.

“Part and parcel of what we have been challenged to do is to think outside of the box because the mission of the eradication of poverty in this nation didn’t start at Independence… It is therefore fortuitous that we stand in Golden Square, which triggered both the political…social… and worker enfranchisement of this nation. 

“So, how do we become equal to the time in which you live as they were to the time in which they live? We believe that there are a number of things that are going to be critical to transform this nation and this One Family Programme is among them.  The Education Transformation Programme launched last week and the Trust Loan Programme are also among them…,” she stated.

Insisting that there were some people who had not been given opportunities to realise their true potential, and that Government would create “win-win” programmes for all, the Prime Minister shared that she had just agreed to and had seen proposals prior to the launch on what such programmes would look like to facilitate opportunities for aestheticians and other professions that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“So, that we want to introduce at least every quarter, and if possible, if we have partners, every other month or every month, one day, where those elderly persons, who depend on the Ministry of People Empowerment, and those mothers and fathers, who are overwrought because they are there for their children, who are disabled in one way or another, or who were dependent on them, to ensure that you can come and we will set up stations in every parish and give you a chance, while at the same time giving those people who do this for a living, a chance too.

“You know what concerns me is that these are the little things that make life different because that person has not been exposed to a pedicure for the first time and given the high level of diabetes in this country and the absolute need for foot care, the high level of amputees, a Government that sees, feels and cares for people, has a responsibility to introduce this as a form of personal care…” Ms. Mottley underlined.

The Prime Minister also spoke of the importance of partnerships and commended those individuals and entities who gave generously during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, she challenged the nation to supersize those links under the One Family Programme, for the good of the country.

Ms. Mottley further challenged the gathering, and by extension Barbados, to commit to finding three people in the next three days to support or mentor, saying “we can do this”.

The One Family Programme, under the theme Strengthening Families, Changing a Nation, is expected to reduce the poverty levels in 1,000 families living in lower socio-economic households across Barbados.

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