Programme Manager for the Barbados People Development Programme, Erika Watson (left); the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) Chairman, Renee Coppin; and Emotional Intelligence Educator and Assessor, Toney Olton, engaging participants in the World of Work Training workshop at Hilton Barbados, yesterday. (GP)

A new component has been added to Government’s Job Start Plus programme that will guarantee young persons requisite skills and knowledge for entry into the tourism sector.

It is Job Start Tourism, a collaborative response by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector and the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA). It was launched today, during the World of Work Training Workshop for some 80 young persons, at Hilton Barbados, Needhams Point, St. Michael.

Outlining the merits of the initiative, the Ministry’s Programme Manager for the Barbados People Development Programme, Erika Watson, told the trainees: “Job Start Tourism is the realisation of the vision behind Job Start Plus, where the private sector and the Government will come together to help young people gain invaluable work experience.”

While acknowledging that the job market here is very competitive and the transition from school to work challenging for many, Ms. Watson stressed that even most entry-level jobs required a minimum of a year’s work experience and nearly 50 per cent of school leavers could not find employment as they lack the required work experience.

“These challenges are further compounded as over 30 per cent of young persons have little to no certification,” she noted.

Participants heard that with the youth unemployment rate averaging 30 per cent, the Ministry was aware of the frustrations they faced finding employment.

“The demand for work experience when you can’t get a job; the disappointment of rejections or no call backs and the desire to be self-sufficient and contribute meaningfully to your family, we understand all of this,” she stated, noting that the Ministry remained committed to supporting their entry into the world of work, helping them gain work experience and facilitating the development of key skills to enhance their employability.

The Job Start Plus programme, the National First Job Initiative was presented to Cabinet as the flagship to a wider Youth Employment Programme. It was birthed from consultations with the private and third sectors.

Job Start Plus is built on a foundation of collaboration and partnership where partners from the private and third sectors provide young persons that have very little work experience, with placement opportunities to gain a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year’s work experience. This would aid them in becoming more competitive in the labour market in the long term.

Additionally, the Ministry would provide world of work training, career planning and other developmental support to better prepare the youth for the workplace and to help them navigate the competitive labour market.

The programme targets unemployed young persons, ages 16 to 24, who are not in education or training and have little to no work experience.

Ms. Watson, in commending Job Start Tourism, said it was an exciting initiative developed with the BHTA, to facilitate placements across its diverse membership. She added: “Tourism, as an industry, has proven to be a very powerful catalyst for economic growth, cultural exchange, and social development.

“It has facilitated significant investment and trade, which brings in substantial foreign exchange for the country. As a labour-intensive sector, tourism has created many jobs, supported the development of many careers and provided incomes for many families and households.”

Meanwhile, Chairman of the BHTA, Renee Coppin, urged the participants to define themselves through their performance in the industry. Noting there was much potential for growth and development in the tourism sector, if they were willing to work hard, she said: “When you walk into the various organisations that you will do internships with, I want you to think about ‘how do I make myself indispensable in whatever role it is I’m fulfilling in this work organisation?’ because the only barrier to success in this industry is going to be you.”

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