Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley speaking at the special screening of XQ Institute’s documentary The First Class, at Olympus Theatres, yesterday. (PMO)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, recently met with local architects to work with government as a consortium to discuss how and when improvements can be made to the island’s school plants as part of education transformation.

She made the disclosure yesterday, while addressing invitees to a special screening of XQ Institute’s documentary: The First Class, at Olympus Theatres, Sheraton, Christ Church.

The documentary chronicled the founding class of Crosstown High, Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America as one of the XQ schools redefining the future of learning.

She told her audience that government could no longer rely on Christmas, summer and Easter to do physical upgrades to school plants.  The Prime Minister also revealed that Minister of the Environment and National Beautification, Adrian Forde was “now on board to help Minister Kay McConney lift the heavy weight to create community, along with Minister Kirk Humphrey”.

“… If we can create partnerships…or if we can ensure that we start to plant plants and flowers and food in schools; [we need to make sure] that there are people in the community who will make sure [that they tend to the plants].  So, that we need then, a commitment from students who are on vacation, along with people in the community to keep the [plants and produce alive],” Ms. Mottley underlined.

The Prime Minister reminded Barbadians that education transformation was not only a Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training initiative but required a national effort from all citizens.

“I am here today [yesterday] as Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. This is not a Ministry of education project. This is not a whole of government project. This is a whole of nation project.  When we set up as a nation to achieve, we win…

“If we are going to see crime go down in this country…, if we are going to see poverty go down in this country, if we are going to see youngsters in this country be whatever they want or to go wherever they want on this earth and still give back to this country, then we need a whole of country or whole of nation approach,” Ms. Mottley emphasised.

She further stated: “And there’s no better time for me to give you this pledge than on the eve of our 57th Anniversary of Independence.  This is our nation and this is what demands of us from the young ones…to those who are retired… I will ask that some of you now start to play a role…”

The Prime Minister also announced plans to meet with members of the opposition on the education transformation proposals.

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