(Stock Photo)

Vendors licensed by the National Conservation Commission (NCC) are reminded that their licences should be renewed by June 30.

As part of the renewal process, they should submit a recent Police Certificate of Character, which may be applied for online at forms.gov.bb. 

Vendors are also reminded that their licences are valid for one year and are not transferrable to any other person. They are also required to carry identification cards while working.

The NCC stipulates that any person who desires to operate a business of selling goods or services in a public park, public garden, beach, or cave, should first obtain a licence for that purpose from the Commission. Failure to do so will be considered as a lack of interest to continue to operate.

In addition, the holder of the licence shall not fight, use abusive language, or engage in unlawful behaviour of any kind, on the beach, park, or any other area designated by the Commission as a marketplace.

Holders of vending licences who fail to comply with regulations could have their licences revoked or suspended, while those caught vending illegally may face legal action.

Vendors in possession of licence books which remain unpaid, prior to June 30, are urged to update their licences immediately, in order to continue operating without disruption. 

The NCC has also reminded operators of kiosks that they must not sublet or make any additions to the kiosks, unless given written permission to do so by the Commission.

In addition, kiosk operators must keep their kiosks clean and should ensure the payment of their licences, utility bills, outgoing payables and all other fees that may be applicable.


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