Centenarian Veronique McCollin receiving a gift from President of Barbados, Her Excellency, The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason, as her daughter Jane McCollin looks on. (J. Bishop/BGIS)

A woman of strong faith, who is caring and loving is how one of the island’s recent centenarians, Veronique McCollin, affectionately called “Minnie”, has been described.

Mrs. McCollin celebrated her 100th birthday on Friday, May 24, at her Silver Hill, Christ Church home, surrounded by family and friends, while being showered with many accolades.

One of her specially invited guests was President of Barbados, Her Excellency, The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason.

Chatting with the President, the centenarian said she didn’t expect to live to 100, but proffered that it was through her faith and the care and love of her family that aided her in reaching the important milestone.

As Mrs. McCollin reminisced about her life, Her Excellency encouraged her children to allow “Minnie” to record her stories. Dame Sandra said: You should sit and record her story because hers would be the genuine stuff…. Once upon a time you had to write but nowadays you can get your phone and record and just let her talk, and she will tell you stories about her life.”

One of Mrs. McCollin’s children, Jane McCollin, spoke glowingly of her mother. She said: “I am blown away by how strong and loving you are. Your love for our family shines through everything we do, and you have been through tough times. Moreover, you never gave up on us, no matter how hard things get, whether financially, mentally, or emotionally. That’s something I truly admire about you.           

“Furthermore, your love for God keeps you strong. With your strong willpower and determination, you are always giving your best. Additionally, you always ensured that you provided for your children and grandchildren…. You are not just special; you are the heart and soul of our family. You’re always there with comforting words or advice whenever we are confused or lost.”

Another daughter, Anita Brathwaite, shared how her mother did all she could to take care of her family, especially when she was a young girl at school.

“The beautiful thing about my mother and the most touching thing, in those days, a bursary was a scholarship, and [it] was only $5.  My mother used to work pressing for people just to get $5 to pay my school fees. That’s how hard it was…. I would always repay her by doing my best at school,” she said.

The centenarian was also praised by one of the families with whom she worked as a housekeeper for 35 years. In her tribute, Mrs. Marsha Jordan said that Mrs. McCollin was singlehandedly responsible for keeping that family together.

“Minnie was our housekeeper, but she was the keeper of our house, and our family. She kept us all together, especially me. I had three babies, and she just knew what to do and how to do it. So, everything I learned mostly in life, I learned from this wonderful woman….

“She has always been calm, kind, even sincere, honest, pleasant; what an example to my children. My children have a lot of good qualities, and a lot of them were nurtured by this wonderful woman. I am forever grateful to you, for all the good times we had together, all of the rough times we got through,” Mrs. Jordan stated.

One of the children in that family, Alex Jordan, also sang the praises of the centenarian.

“Minnie was kind and gentle and sweet natured. But she also raised her voice and would threaten us all the time, with licks that never actually came to pass…. There is so much wisdom and philosophy in Minnie who would not have had a lot of formal schooling, and was so intelligent. She’s an example for us, as Barbadians, as a lifelong learner because she became a reader. My mother is a schoolteacher, and no one in that house could not be reading. Minnie is a voracious reader to this very day at 100 years old. She reads every day, you know, she’s in her Bible…. It’s such an honour to know you,” Alex said.

Mrs. McCollin, who was born in Dominica, came to Barbados at the age of 18 to escape a challenging life there. She is a devout Catholic and reads her Bible everyday. The centenarian, who is still alert and active, loves to cook, especially soup. She has five children, four girls and one boy, and several grandchildren.


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