The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training. (FP)

The meeting convened on Wednesday, June 19, with Deputy Chief Education Officer with responsibility for schools, Glyne Price; other education officials; the Barbados Union of Teachers; and the teachers at the Wesley Hall Junior School, was deemed a success.

The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training called for the meeting of the parties to allow the teaching staff to openly communicate the challenges they have been facing on the school plant, for several years.

Of particular concern was the state of the flooring in the main hall, and part of the roof in the main building. The Education Technical Management Unit (ETMU) conducted a walk-through of the school plant on Tuesday, June 18, and made recommendations for starting the repair process.

Ministry officials present at the meeting assured the staff that the said work would start this Friday on the aforementioned areas.

The Ministry also gave the assurance that Wesley Hall Junior School was already one of the schools on the list for summer work and other repairs, as it was recognised that the school needed some urgent attention.

Additionally, the ETMU is currently formulating a comprehensive schedule, which includes a more detailed walk-through, and visits from senior ministry officials for further communication with the school’s leadership and teaching staff.

Finding satisfaction with the initiatives presented, the teachers gave the assurance that they will return to regular classes, as the Ministry moves swiftly to bring about the necessary changes.

The Ministry of Education expressed appreciation to the teachers for their active participation in the process, as all parties remain committed to open and transparent communication in the interest of a quality teaching and learning experience.

Regular classes at the school resume on June 20.

Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training

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