Minister of Youth, Sports & Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith. (GP)

Happy Caribbean Youth Day!

Today, we come together to celebrate the incredible spirit, creativity, and potential of young people right here in Barbados. This day is all about you, our future leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Your energy and enthusiasm are the driving forces that will shape the future of our beautiful island. 

Indeed, the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment (MYSCE) celebrates young people in every sphere of endeavour. To ensure positive investments in the youth development space we aim to assist you individually and collectively as you contribute to national development.

We, therefore, invite you to join us in celebrating this special day by participating in the variety of programmes provided by my Ministry which fosters positive youth development. These initiatives are crafted to empower you with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to thrive in today’s world.

Whether it is through educational workshops that expand your horizons, mentorship programmes that provide guidance and support, sports and cultural activities that bring our community together, there is something for everyone to get involved in and grow.

As we celebrate, we also recognise the importance of addressing the social issues that negatively impact our communities, including youth crime and violence.  It is crucial that we adopt an all-country approach, working together across our beautiful island to create safe spaces and supportive environments for each other and the communities in which we live. 

By collaborating with the Government, churches, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community leaders, and families, we can develop comprehensive strategies to tackle these challenges head-on.

This means not only addressing the symptoms, but also understanding and mitigating the root causes of these issues.

My Ministry has taken the lead by providing significant financial investment and infrastructure for you to be the best that you can be through our flagship programmes provided at the Barbados YouthADVANCE Corps, the Youth Development Programme, the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme, National Sports Council, Community Development Programme and the Community Independence Celebrations Secretariat.  Young people can benefit from participation in critical development areas including:

  • Centre of excellence for entrepreneurship in the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme;
  • National Youth Awards;
  • Pursuing sporting excellence in sports disciplines at the National Sports Council;
  • Employability and mentorship programmes;
  • A range of funding initiatives available to support young people pursuing youth development work on the local, regional and international stages;
  • A range of second chances opportunities for persons on the blocks through Project Dawn;
  • Motivating, encouraging, and challenging young people through Project Protégé, our mentorship programme;
  • Mental health support through the National Youth Support Hotline. 

The Ministry also respects diversity in the youth population and is making every provision to include persons with disabilities into our mainstream programme.  This year, the Ministry delivered two summer camps catering to persons with disabilities, particularly children with autism. 

The goal is to remove obstacles that prevent persons with disabilities from participating to the fullest.  The Ministry will continue to work with persons in the disabled community to identify opportunities for inclusion to create equality, equity, and dignity. 

We call upon all stakeholders in Barbados to join us in building the resilience of our young people. Your support and involvement are vital in providing the resources and guidance needed to help our youth to achieve their full potential. This includes creating more opportunities for education and employment, promoting mental health and well-being and fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Together, we can create a brighter, more prosperous future for Barbados.

By investing in our youth today, we are ensuring a better tomorrow for all. Let us celebrate Caribbean Youth Day with enthusiasm and a commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of our young people. Let us show the world the strength, resilience, and potential of Barbadian youth.

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