Thirteen-year-old Christina Sargeant receives $1,000.00 from owner of Shehaul Construction Inc., Jada Chase while Minister of State in the Office of the Attorney General with responsibility for Crime Prevention, Corey Lane, and Christina’s mother, Sagirah Craigg, look on. (J. Bishop/BGIS)

Thirteen-year-old Christina Sargeant has a heart of gold, and her selfless efforts have earned her the National Peace Program’s Gaining Stripes Award for January 2024.

The Third Form student of Deighton Griffith Secondary School recently shared her lunch money, snacks, and even purchased something to eat for an abused, homeless man.

She was praised for the kind gesture and presented with $1,000, during a ceremony at the Criminal Justice Research Unit, #5 Alphonzo House, 2nd Avenue, Belleville, St. Michael, on Tuesday.

Minister of State in the Office of the Attorney General with responsibility for Crime Prevention, Corey Lane, commended the teenager and saluted her for her positive actions.

“Why that act was so significant and stands out to the team and myself is because when some…see the homeless, they scoff at them and scorn them; she went beyond and she sought to assist,” Mr. Lane stated.

The Minister of State also lauded corporate Barbados for coming on board and donating the money to the recipients of the Gaining Stripes initiative.

After making the donation to Christina, owner of Shehaul Construction Inc., Jada Chase, said she became emotional when she read the article, especially since that kind deed was something that she herself would have done.

Ms. Chase continued: “I commend you and I ask you to don’t give up; continue to help. Help goes a long way and I ask you to encourage more of your friends to lend a helping hand.”

Christina said she is motivated to help homeless people. “When I see homeless people, I think, suppose me and my mother were in that situation? So, if I can help, I will try to help, even if it is my lunch money [I have to spend on the person] and I have to go the whole day without eating, I would try and help.”

She noted that this was not the first time she assisted, as she shared an experience with those present. “Another morning I was in town, around 7:30 to 8:00, and I went to buy something, but then I saw a man and he was asking for money and I was like, if you want something, tell me.

“He told me he just wanted something to eat and a bottle of water, so I went and bought him two doughnuts and three bottles of water, with all of my lunch money,” she revealed.

Christina has encouraged her peers not to interfere or hurt the homeless people. “Try to help if they can,” she urged.

Her mother, Sagirah Craigg, said she is very proud of her daughter for displaying such kindness. “I always try to teach her and her brother that a kind act…goes a long way…. You don’t know what somebody might be going through at that point.

We have our rough days but if I see somebody in a worse situation than I am, I try to help, so I pass on the same message to my kids. A kind act goes a long way,” Ms. Craigg stressed.

Christina will use the money she received for her kind deed to help her mother.

The Gaining Stripes initiative seeks to promote the exceptional work, tasks, or deeds of citizens of Barbados and was conceptualised to act as a counter to negativity in society. It was introduced in December 2023.

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