
Efforts to achieve Tsunami Ready Recognition for the Porters, St. James, to Batts Rock Bay, St. Michael areas and its environs are now in the final stages.

These efforts are being spearheaded by the Department of Emergency Management, in collaboration with the St. James Central District Emergency Organisation (DEO) and the Coastal Zone Management Unit.

Residents living in the target area, which runs from Porters, St. James, to Batts Rock Bay, St. Michael, are invited to attend a meeting on Sunday, February 11, at The Church of Jesus The Good Shepherd, Fitts Village, St. James, beginning at 4:30 p.m.

At the meeting, they will receive information on how actionable warnings will be activated and deployed; how they can prepare their properties for the tsunami hazard; and on the evacuation routes and operational guidelines.

The Tsunami Ready Recognition status will establish an effective Tsunami Warning System to allow residents and businesses in the area to be prepared to respond in the event that a potentially destructive tsunami may be approaching.


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