Entertainers performing at the Gospelfest show at Haynesville, which was supported by the National Peace Program. (GP)

Barbadians are being encouraged to support Government’s recently introduced National Peace Program (NPP), and join the effort to assist in developing the youth.

Minister of State in the Office of Attorney General with responsibility for Crime Prevention, Corey Lane, is urging members of the public to share their “time, talents and treasure” with young members of the community.

“We want citizens to shift gears and instead of being a bystander or commentator, be part of the solution by offering their time and experience to assist in the development of our youth and their future,” Mr. Lane said.

He stated that mentors, community actors, practitioners and influencers, community, youth or school groups, faith-based, social, sports and service organisations, as well as individuals and businesses who wish to make a positive difference to the society should reach out.

Additionally, citizens who belong to, or know about any persons, projects or programmes that are making a positive difference in the lives of members of their community should call or WhatsApp 535-0474, or email peace@barbados.gov.bb.

Members of the public may also write to: National Peace Program, Office of the Attorney General, Jones Building, Webster’s Business Park, Wildey, St. Michael.

Minister Lane underscored the importance of making sacrifices to assist young people, including mentoring them.  “Mentoring provides individuals with the opportunity to learn from those who have more experience or knowledge in a particular field. 

The National Peace Program is aimed at promoting peace, harmony, and stability in the country, and is an essential tool for preventing and reducing crime, in the short, medium, and long term.

It can also help individuals develop important skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership.

“By working closely with a mentor or persons with similar skills, individuals can learn how to navigate complex situations, and make sound decisions.  In addition, mentoring can also help people build their professional networks,” he explained.          

The National Peace Program is implemented by the Government, in collaboration with civil society organisations, and other stakeholders. The Immediate Action Plan of the NPP was rolled out last November 6, and the overall program is still in development.  The day-to-day program will be managed by the members of the NPP Project Unit, who will plan and execute activities.

Mr. Lane disclosed that once the extensive consultations were completed and all the approvals given, the NPP would be officially launched later in the year.

The National Peace Program is aimed at promoting peace, harmony, and stability in the country, and is an essential tool for preventing and reducing crime, in the short, medium, and long term.

Some of the objectives are: reducing homicides, gun crimes and other crimes by half in three years; reinforcing positive mores and norms by building stronger families and communities; increasing opportunities for economic empowerment by expanding avenues for training, income generation and wealth creation.

Minister of State in the Office of the Attorney General with responsibility for Crime Prevention, Corey Lane, discussing matters relating to the National Peace Program (NPP) with (to his left) Administrative Consultant, Paula Jackman, and (right) Destinee Taylor and Alison Roach Plummer, of the NPP. (C. Pitt/BGIS)

The NPP has 12 pillars and they are: the LIVE WISE Campaign; Direct Intervention Programme; National Engagement; Community-Based Initiatives; Family-Based Initiatives; School-Based Initiatives; Rehabilitation Programmes; Enforcement; Intelligence and Tactical Initiatives; Institutional Reforms; Legal and Judicial Enhancements and Support Initiatives.  

Within the plan, there are various activities for strategic prevention of crime in the short term, as well as self-development training and opportunities for the medium to long term.

Mr. Lane underscored the importance of the NPP, saying: “Effective crime prevention must address the short term and focus on the root causes and social determinants of crime, in order to sustain the reduction of crime in the medium to long term.  The NPP is needed to collaborate on and implement the strategies, as well as monitor and evaluate their success.”

Historically, Barbados’ culture has always been one of people looking out for, and helping each other.  This must never change.  Therefore, let us answer the call to help the young people of this country, and support the National Peace Program.


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