Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business, Sandra Husbands (right) chatting with Barbados’ Consul General in Miami, Rudy Grant and Director of Investment & Marketing, Invest Barbados, Renatta Mohammed, at the Barbados/Charleston Business Forum and Roundtable Meeting, at the Sandals Royal. (J. Bishop/BGIS)

Barbados and South Carolina are continuing in their efforts to explore new horizons in economic cooperation.  

Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business, Sandra Husbands, spoke to the possible economic benefits to be created between the island and South Carolina, during a Barbados/Charleston Business Forum and Roundtable Meeting, held at the Sandals Royal, Dover, Christ Church, today.

The Minister noted that the shared history and cultural affinities between Barbados and South Carolina can serve as a foundation upon which to foster stronger ties that can be mutually beneficial. 

She pointed out collaborations could be fostered in areas such as tourism and hospitality; educational and cultural exchanges, and economic synergies. 

“Barbados, with its booming tourism industry and a strong focus on renewable energy, complements Charleston’s diverse economic landscape.  Charleston, a hub for technology, manufacturing, and maritime commerce, can offer expertise and resources that align with Barbados’ economic aspirations. So, collaborative ventures in renewable energy, eco-tourism, and technology could prove mutually advantageous,” Ms. Husbands suggested.

She added: “By embracing a common heritage and leveraging our existing respective strengths, we can pave the way for a future of collaboration, mutual understanding, and economic growth. Through respectful dialogue, innovation, and a shared vision for a prosperous future, Barbados and Charleston can undoubtedly continue the process of forging a lasting and meaningful partnership, benefitting not only their economies but also the lives of our people. And it begins with you in this room and what we do when we leave here.”

Ms. Husbands told participants that she looks forward to learning, in the very near future, that Barbados would be formally welcoming some economic investments out of South Carolina. 

Also speaking at the forum were Barbados’ Consul General in Miami, Rudy Grant; Barbados’ Honorary Consul in South Carolina, Rhoda Green; and member of the Barbados/Carolina Legacy Foundation, Dwayne Green, who all called for continuous dialogue with follow-up tangible actions.

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