From left to right – First Secretary Dwaine Inniss; UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima; Permanent Representative and Ambassador of Barbados to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations in Geneva, Matthew Wilson; and Director, Equitable Financing, UNAIDS, Jaime Atienza Azcona, pose for a photograph following the courtesy call. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade)

United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, has referred to Barbados as an influential country, due to its leadership.

Ms. Byanyima shared this overarching view during a recent courtesy call in Geneva with Permanent Representative and Ambassador of Barbados to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations in Geneva, Matthew Wilson.

The Executive Director stated: “Barbados, under the leadership of Prime Minister Mottley, has become an incredibly influential and strategically important country, including through the Bridgetown Initiative.”

During the meeting, a series of subjects were discussed, including Barbados’ historically strong role in supporting persons living with HIV and AIDS, and in supporting access to anti-retroviral drugs, as well as the leading role it was taking to highlight the issues of importance to small states, especially climate change.

The Bridgetown Initiative was also highlighted as an important movement in calling for reform of the financial architecture and in highlighting to the international community the financial assistance needed by middle income developing states, especially given their high indebtedness. 

Ms. Byanyima, who had visited the region late last year, expressed a great interest in visiting Barbados and meeting with Prime Minister Mottley, health officials and persons in vulnerable communities. 

This is to ensure that the spotlight continues to be placed on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, access for all to health services and the need for international partners to continue supporting countries like Barbados in helping to build resilient health systems.

UNAIDS provides the strategic direction, advocacy, coordination and technical support needed to catalyse and connect leadership from governments, the private sector and communities to deliver life-saving HIV services. It is leading global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Also present at the courtesy call were First Secretary Dwaine Inniss, and UNAIDS Director of Equitable Financing, Jaime Atienza Azcona.

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