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The Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) will place 27 properties to be auctioned during a two-day auction on Wednesday, December 13, and Friday, December 15, in response to land tax non-compliance up to 10 years. 

The upcoming auctions follow a ‘Notice of Sale’ advertisement issued by the Authority on November 12, for 44 properties with outstanding Land Tax of over $12.4 million.

Revenue Commissioner Louisa Lewis-Ward urged property owners who owe land tax to address their arrears or ensure they communicate with the BRA to avoid their properties going on a ‘Notice of Sale’ list.

“We know that the COVID-19 pandemic still has lingering impacts on our economy, affecting households and businesses. The auctions are a last resort. However, in addition to the annual tax demand notices, we sent correspondence detailing Land Tax arrears to property owners to ensure they know their amounts owed and the payment plans available.  Taxpayers can also go on to the new Land Tax Portal at bra.gov.bb to view their accounts and make partial, periodic, and full payments,” she shared.

Mrs. Lewis-Ward further implored persons having challenges with bringing their Land Tax accounts up to date, whether financial or otherwise, to reach out to the BRA to make an official arrangement to settle their obligations.  Taxpayers with arrears for any tax can call 429-ETAX(3829), or email settletax@bra.gov.bb with the details.

Barbados Revenue Authority

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