The Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority (BMCLA) will launch the first term of its three- term Cannabis Crash Course on Monday, September 26. Registration for the course is currently open but will close by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 25, 2022.

Communications and Public Education Specialist, Tracy Moore said, “The courses will be available for all persons who are interested in understanding the medicinal cannabis industry and its needs. This will be the first of three terms with each term being two (2) weeks long. With the recently approved nine (9) licenses,we wanted to ensure that there was continued educational opportunities to assist the licensees as well as those interested in getting into the industry.”

The first term will showcase eight (8) subjects:

  1. Cultivating in the Industry – Cultivator License
  2. Introduction to Fertilizers
  3. Introduction to Pesticides
  4. Redefining Retail – Retail Distributor License
  5. Securing Your Cannabis Company – Security Needs for the Industry
  6. Informing the Import Process – Import License
  7. Who Can I do Business With? – The Closed-Loop System within the Medicinal Cannabis Industry
  8. Cost of the Cannabis Industry

The BMCLA announced the approval of nine (9) licenses in July:

  1. Best Buds – Cultivator – Tier 1
  2. Best Buds – Import
  3. Cleland Organics Inc. – Cultivator – Tier 2
  4. Cleland Organics Inc. – Processor – Tier 1
  5. Cleland Organics Inc. – Transport
  6. Cleland Organics Inc. – Research & Development
  7. Cleland Organics Inc. – Retail Distributor
  8. Cleland Organics Inc. – Import
  9. Cleland Organics Inc. – Export

For more information on the course and to learn more about the BMCLA, persons may visit www.bmcla.bb

Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority

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