The late Jeff Kinch. (GP)

It is with deep regret that the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) and the Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA) bids eternal farewell to tourism stalwart and entrepreneur Jeff Kinch. 

The team at the BTMI and BTPA extend condolences to the Kinch and Dover Beach Hotel family on the passing of industry stalwart Jeffery Kinch on Friday May 14th, 2021.

Mr. Kinch has contributed to the sector in innumerable ways and his legacy stands tall as Dover Beach Hotel has built a reputation for customer service and value for money.

Kinch was a founding member of the Intimate Hotel group as well as the President of Intimate Hotels and of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association, and served both of those organizations with distinction.

Chairman of the BTMI and BTPA, Roseanne Myers said, “I first met Mr. Kinch 34 years ago and recognized him as a role model, as an entrepreneur and local owner of two companies, an air conditioning company and Dover Beach Hotel. I remember well when he explained to me how he pivoted from the air conditioning business to plunging into the hotel sector. Jeff could make people practically roll on the floor with laughter and also explain the rudiments of business and the intricacies of the sector. He always wanted to know how people were doing in a genuinely caring manner.”

Jeff was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award (2017) by the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) and also inducted into the BHTA Hall of Fame. The former award was accepted by his daughter Adua on his behalf. 

His passing of the baton, to manage the family owned property, to his daughter, many years ago, speaks to the real legacy Kinch has left and the tourism sector is richer having had the benefit of the contribution of Jeffrey Kinch for many years. 

May he Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.

Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc.

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