Executive Chef at Café de Paris, Athlone McCollin showing Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley some of the treats on offer at the new café while owner Michael Kent looks on. (C. Pitt/BGIS)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is confident that the investment in major projects in Barbados, post COVID-19, is a strong indication that the country is turning the corner and its future prospects are bright.

She expressed this view yesterday while delivering brief remarks during the official opening of the $1 million dollar Café de Paris at Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, St. James.

Ms. Mottley told her audience that the malls – Limegrove, Sheraton, and those located in and on the outskirts of Bridgetown – had suffered a “diminution” in revenue due to restriction of movement and the sale of only essentials during the lockdown.

“If you are a tourism destination, you have to have a range of products in order to make people feel that they’re getting something special when they visit the destination.

“It is important that Barbados’ destination profile include all of the experiences that are possible, from the rum shop to the high-end dining, from the bakeries to the cook shops.  The bottom line is that, that is what makes this country special – the juxtaposition of all of these experiences on 166 square miles,” the Prime Minister stated.

Ms. Mottley congratulated the staff and the owner Michael Kent, adding that the opening of the new café on the West Coast would give potential investors the courage to invest here, as the island continues to project itself as a destination with the widest range of experiences on offer in the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kent, who is also the owner of the Cliff Restaurant, QP Bistro, a bakery in Wildey and the Tides Restaurant, said this venture was a “natural extension” of the business model and patrons can expect the “very best” breads and patisseries, beverages and other offerings, and a friendly atmosphere in the café.

“Every day when we talk to staff in our briefing sessions, we finish up and say, what are we about?  And we say happiness.  And what do we do?  We all shout out, smile!  So, that’s what we are and I’m a great believer in happy.  If you make people happy, you get more than your reward back. If you give people kindness, you get lots of kindness back; you can’t give it away,” he underlined.

Approximately 360 Barbadians are employed in the restaurant group.


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