National Drug Formulary Is Now Online

National Drug Formulary Is Now Online

Minister of Health and Wellness, Senator Dr. The Most Honourable Jerome Walcott. (FP) Barbados is now one of the few, if not the only country in the Americas, to have a web-based national drug formulary. This follows the launch of the electronic formulary this morning...
Barbadians Urged To Clean Up Their Act

Barbadians Urged To Clean Up Their Act

Barbadians are being asked to be more vigilant in keeping their surroundings clean to reduce the population of vectors such as rats and mosquitoes. (Stock Photo) Barbadians are being asked to be more vigilant in keeping their surroundings clean to reduce the...
Calendar Of Events For 2023

Calendar Of Events For 2023

(Stock Photo) You may also download the calendar of events for 2023 by clicking here. January Cervical Cancer Awareness Month Drug Awareness Month * New Year’s Day – January 1 *Errol Barrow Day – January 21 February   African Awareness Month...

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