Senior Co-operatives Officer, Ian Moore (second from left); Registrar of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies, Brent Gittens (centre); Business Specialist Consultant, Marlon Moore (second from right); and Technical Officer, Damian Harewood (right) discussing the Sustainable Energy Investment Programme (Smart Fund II) with a visitor to the Ministry of Energy’s booth on Saturday. (J. Bishop/BGIS)

The co-operative business model has been described as an effective way to enfranchise and empower people, and Registrar of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies, Brent Gittens, is pleased with the interest being shown in the movement.

Mr. Gittens made the comments over the weekend at the pop-up health and variety fair, at the Church Village Green, Central Bank of Barbados, Spry Street, Bridgetown. It was hosted by the Co-operatives Department of the Ministry of Energy and Business, in association with a number of health organisations.

In an interview with the Barbados Government Information Service, Mr. Gittens said there were approximately 41 non-financial co-operatives on his department’s register.

“Last year, we formed about five new co-operatives. We aim to form at least three every year, so we were pleased that we surpassed our target. This year, we have two that are on stream to be formed, but we expect that we will form more than three again.

“It has been recognised that the co-operative business model is a very efficient way to go about enfranchising and empowering individuals, and we are pleased with the interest that we’re seeing from the public in pursuing the co-operative business model,” Mr. Gittens stated.

He noted that in addition to the traditional farming and transport co-operatives, diverse co-ops, such as construction and renewable energy, had also been set up.

“Once you have any type of business where you have groups of people who are looking to work together and pool resources, I would say to consider the co-operative business model because it really is a very good model to empower and enfranchise individuals, especially those from humble origins,” he insisted.

Persons interested in becoming part of the co-operative movement should contact Mr. Gittens at 535-0151, or email            

During the pop-up health and variety fair, several co-operatives showcased a number of items and offered diverse services. In addition, the Diabetes and Hypertension Association of Barbados, the Barbados Kidney Association, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados and The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Barbados were also on hand to interact with the public and share vital information.

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