Barbados’ COVID-19 Czar, Richard Carter. (GP)

Barbadians have been urged to rigidly, stringently, and scrupulously observe all of the COVID-19 safety and health protocols that have been put in place.

Czar Richard Carter said that even though some people may think the protocols are excessive, he reminded that the protocols have been developed for their protection.

Mr. Carter continued: “Even though we have relaxed a number of the restrictions, the requirement for observation of those protocols that remain, becomes even stronger…. We have observed, in some countries, a number of super spreader events in enclosed areas, such as gyms, churches and telecentres, which can increase the risk of COVID-19 if it is present, and therefore it is scrupulous observance of the protocols that will protect everybody. 

“Those countries where protocols are not respected once they reopened, have now had to go back, many of them, and shut down again because they have seen spikes in COVID-19 transmission.” 

Mr. Carter noted that although the reopening of the country to commercial air traffic carried some risks, he stressed that Government had put critical steps in place to protect the citizens of this country and all travellers.

“Throughout this pandemic, the Government of Barbados has always followed a risk-based, scientific and evidence led approach to how it has conducted its business, and will continue in this vein with the reopening of the borders to commercial air traffic.

“We are not going to put at risk all of the gains that we have made over the past three months, but we cannot remain isolated from the rest of the world. We, therefore, have to proceed with the approaches that we think are advisable, but to take them in a progressive and step by step way,” he pointed out.

The Czar reminded the public that the world is still in the middle of a health pandemic and Barbados is still under a public health emergency, and encouraged persons to respect what has been put in place to protect them. 

He warned that if this was not done, “we can run the risk of it all being reversed”.

He encouraged the wearing of masks at all times where required, especially when travelling on public transport, and the observation of physical distancing and temperature testing at business establishments.

He added that wiping down frequently touched surfaces, where there is high volume interaction, must continue.

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