As at 11:00 a.m., Monday, November 15, 2021, there were 970 patients in isolation facilities (57 in primary, 72 in secondary and 841 in tertiary isolation).

Of these, 643 patients (66 per cent) were unvaccinated, and 275 (28 per cent) were fully vaccinated. Of those fully vaccinated, seven were in primary isolation, 20 were in secondary and 248 patients were in tertiary isolation.

Fifty-two persons, one in primary isolation, four in secondary and 47 in tertiary isolation, were partially vaccinated for COVID-19. Additionally, the unvaccinated comprised 49 persons in primary, 48 in secondary and 546 in tertiary.

Primary and secondary isolation for COVID-19 patients in Barbados are units which accommodate those who are very ill and need close monitoring and treatment with primary isolation housing the most severely ill. Tertiary isolation houses patients who are only mildly ill or not showing illness.

It is important to note that the number of persons in isolation is fluid and changes throughout the day as persons are admitted and discharged.

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