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Householders are being encouraged to make crime prevention a priority and safeguard their homes and personal property.

Crime Prevention Officer, Inspector Roger Babb, has underscored the importance of homeowners doing a number of simple but effective things to help protect themselves.

Inspector Babb said persons desirous of having their property marked should contact the police station within their area of residence. He also identified some of the key areas to which householders should pay attention.

Some of the main security tips for householders are:

  • Install appropriate locks on doors and windows and always use them.
  • Secure doors and windows before leaving home.
  • Do not leave keys hidden outside the home as someone may observe them being hidden.
  • Check to make sure keys are not left on the exterior of the door.
  • Do not leave valuables in places where they can be seen through glass or open windows.
  • Avoid keeping large sums of money in and around homes.
  • Ensure there is adequate lighting on the exterior of the house.
  • Keep the vegetation around the home to a minimum of three feet in height.
  • Do not leave obstacles (e.g. ladders, cans, blocks, etc.) near windows, that can be used as aids for entry.
  • Turn telephone ringers down low so a burglar won’t be alerted to a householder’s absence by persistent ringing.
  • Do not leave underaged children at home unsupervised.


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