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On Sunday, November 13, 2022, the Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) received a report of damage to the main gate of the Belmont Primary School, at Belle Gully, St. Michael.

The report revealed that the damage and resultant debris arose from circumstances related to a shooting incident which occurred in the environs of the school, on the night of Friday, November 11. Upon receipt of the report, the Ministry’s Education Technical Management Unit was contacted so that arrangements could be made to have the damaged gate repaired or replaced.

Today, Monday, November 14, an Education Officer from the Nursery and Primary Schools Section of the METVT visited the Belmont Primary School just after 9:00 a.m. and discovered that classes had not yet started. The Education Officer subsequently held a meeting with teachers. At the meeting, some teachers expressed grave concern for their safety due to the damaged gate. Others cited experiencing psychological trauma due to the recent spate of gun-related crime in the school’s neighbourhood.

Following the meeting, of the 18 teachers present, 15 indicated that they were unwell and subsequently left the compound.  Given the reduced teaching complement, permission was granted to close the school for the duration of the day.  At approximately 10:30 a.m., a contractor was on site at the school to assess the damage done to the gate in preparation for effecting repairs as soon as materials were obtained. 

As of 5:00 p.m. this evening, the contractor had completed the manufacturing of the welded-frame gate off-site and installation will occur tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15. The METVT advises that there remains an inner security fence and gate that, over time, has protected the students, teachers, support staff and buildings of the school from outside interference.  The inner security fence and gate have not been compromised in any way.

Please note that verbal reports of this matter were received by the METVT, from the President of the Parent Teachers Association, Kimberley Haynes, and the President of the Barbados Union of Teachers, Rudy Lovell.

Chief Education Officer, Dr. Ramona Archer-Bradshaw, and other Ministry officials toured the compound at 11:15 a.m. and engaged the Principal in discussion about the concerns of the teachers. Following the discussion, the Chief Education Officer indicated that a meeting with the teachers would be convened at the school on Tuesday, November 15, at 9:00 a.m.

Although the meeting will be held at the Belmont Primary School, parents are advised that there will still be school for students, tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15. The Ministry of Education assures parents that all students will be adequately supervised while the meeting is ongoing.

The Ministry of Education, Technological, and Vocational Training reiterates that the safety of all members of staff and students is paramount and will do all in its power to secure the school’s compound.

Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training

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