Launch of the Modern School Infrastructure Design Competition. (Media Resource Department)

Government is committed to a more enhanced maintenance plan for the island’s school plants to reduce the disruption to teaching and learning as a result of environmental issues.

Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Kay McConney, made the disclosure recently, during the press launch of the Modern School Infrastructure Design Competition at the Ministry.

She told the in-person and virtual audience that presently, there was a call for expressions of interest in Government’s e-procurement Platform, Bonfire, for interested companies to conduct condition audits or assessments for schools.

Ms. McConney added that some condition assessments and audits had already been done and in light of the new briefs and areas of focus, “we would like to see more modern infrastructure emerge”.

“We are moving towards a more comprehensive plan for school infrastructure maintenance. As we know we have been plagued over several years by an ageing asset, which we call school infrastructure at all levels. It is time that we not only respond in an ad hoc way to those concerns that have been raised, but that we put a comprehensive plan in place,” she stated.

The Minister continued: “I invite all interested, who are qualified, put your hands up through the national procurement process and help us not only manage our plants but help us towards progress and the way we see infrastructure.”

Meanwhile, Chief Education Officer, Dr. Ramona Archer Bradshaw, said the design competition fell within the Ministry’s Education Transformation process as she presented on the Pedagogical Perspective on Reimagining Education in Barbados Toward School Buildings that Promote Learning, Ensure Safety, and Protect the Environment.

She stressed: “Research consistently shows that our surroundings significantly impact our ability to learn. Well-designed classrooms, abundant natural light, and comfortable seating enhance concentration and cognitive function.

“When students step into a welcoming, organised space, their minds are primed for exploration and discovery. In our schools of the future, we wish to see vibrant murals, interactive displays, and collaborative workspaces.  These elements ignite passion, encourage teamwork, and foster a love for learning.

There were also remarks from the Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for coordinating Infrastructural Projects, Dr. William Duguid; Advisor on Infrastructure Projects in the Prime Minister’s Office, Daniel Best; Director of the National Heritage Department and Competition Evaluation, Steve Devonish; and President of the Barbados Institute of Architects, Kevin Browne.

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