
The Vector Control Unit will continue its fogging programme next week with emphasis on three parishes.

When the exercise starts on Monday, December 11, the team will focus attention on the St. John districts of Foster Hall, St Margaret’s Village Road, Glenburnie and the environs.

A return to that parish on Tuesday, December 12, will see fogging at Martin’s Bay, Zores, New Castle, New Castle Hill, and environs.

The following day, Wednesday, December 13, the team will journey to St. Philip, where Bottom Bay Road, Bottom Drive, Ocean Drive, Apple Hall, Inch Cape, Harrismith Road, and environs will be sprayed.

On Thursday, December 14, fogging will move to St. Michael. Areas to be sprayed are: Danesbury Road, Hinkson Gap, Retreat Road, Spring Garden, Carters Gap, Carlton Terrace, Brighton Beach Road North and South and environs.

Fogging concludes on Friday, December 15, with a return to St. Michael. The districts to be visited are Brighton Road, Ashdeane Road, Brighton Terrace, Dodson Land, Rosemont, Deacon’s Farm Housing Area, Birds River, Holders Land, Brandons, Bays Water, and environs.

Fogging will run from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., each day. Householders are asked to assist in the control of the aedes aegypti mosquito by opening all windows and doors to allow the fog to penetrate. Persons with respiratory problems should protect themselves from inhaling the fog.

Pedestrians and motorists should proceed with caution when encountering fogging operations on the street and parents are instructed to prohibit children from playing in the fog or running behind the fogging machine.

Members of the public are advised that the completion of scheduled fogging activities may be affected by events beyond the Unit’s control. In such circumstances, the Unit will return to affected communities as soon as possible.


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