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The Ministry of Health and Wellness’ Vector Control Unit will continue its fogging programme in four parishes next week.

On Monday, February 19, the team from the Vector Control Unit will visit a number of districts in St. Andrew. They are Corbin’s Road, Lakes Road, Farrell Road, Isolation Road, Jordan Road, Franklin Doughlin Road, Babylon Road, Walkers, Bawden’s Road, and environs.

The following areas in St. Peter will be fogged on Tuesday, February 20: French Village, Mount Brevitor, West Ring Road, Vuemont, Bow Drive, Inner Circle, Mile- and- a- Quarter, and surrounding districts.

On Wednesday, February 21, the St. Peter districts of Maynard’s Road, Maynard’s Housing Area, Leslie Gardens, Carpenter’s Circle, Rose Hill, and environs will be sprayed.

The team will target the St. Lucy districts of Trent’s Road, Hannays Road, Swampy Town, Hope Bridge Road, and neighbouring areas on Thursday, February 22.

Fogging will conclude for the week on Friday, February 23, in St. Thomas in White Hall Road, Country View, Hill View Drive, and environs.

Fogging takes place from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. daily. Householders are reminded to open their windows and doors to allow the spray to enter. Children should not be allowed to play in the spray.

Members of the public are advised that the completion of scheduled fogging activities may be affected by events beyond the Unit’s control. In such circumstances, it will return to communities affected in the soonest possible time.


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