The Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) Inc.’s Airfield and Ground Side Pavement Improvements and Rehabilitation Project, which began this year, has appointed a Community Liaison Officer.
The Community Liaison Officer is Alison Catlyn, who will perform her duties on behalf of GAIA Inc, which includes being the main point of contact for residents of the surrounding communities to express any issues and/or concerns that may arise during the project.
Ms. Catlyn commenced her community visits from last week and will be in the community from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. during the project. She may be contacted at 828-6714 or by email at
The project, which is being funded by the Caribbean Development Bank at a cost of USD $44,687,568, includes the complete resurfacing of the runway and taxiways; expansion of the parking apron; the establishment of a new parking apron on the south side of the airfield; and repairs to aircraft parking aprons, along with other works.
On completion of this project, the airport will be positioned to provide high quality service to current and future traffic, as well as to take advantage of potential commercial opportunities in the aviation sector.