Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley (back row, third from left); Minister of Home Affairs and Information, Wilfred Abrahams; Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Kirk Humphrey; Minister of the Environment and National Beautification, Adrian Forde; officials and students pose for a photograph following the unveiling of a mural for World Children’s Day at the National Botanical Gardens, this morning. (C. Pitt/BGIS)

Government remains committed to ensuring that children are included in all areas that affect them.

This assurance came from Director of the Child Care Board (CCB), Roseann Richards, as she addressed a World Children’s Day Rally under the theme: Inclusion for Every Child at the National Botanical Gardens, this morning.

Ms. Richards said the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, and through the CCB continued to push for the inclusion of the nation’s children by encouraging peer, growth and development of children in families and communities rather than institutions.

“We want our children to be heard…. The voices of the children must be heard on all issues that affect them, their quality of life, and their future as contributing citizens of this society.

“They must speak up and speak out against all forms of abuse. For example, they must also be included in conversations on global warming; the impact of climate change in their environment; education, how did the COVID-19 pandemic impact them; their emotional and mental health; their appreciation, or lack thereof, for online schooling, and their vision for the future of Barbados. They must be included regardless of colour, hair style, mental or physical challenge, class or religion,” she stated.

She added that children should also be included in the conversation on the elimination on all forms of violence in society and violence against children and other vulnerable groups. Ms. Richards added that the mural was an opportunity for children to feel included.

Meanwhile, Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Kirk Humphrey, reminded the children that this was their world. He urged them to say “no” to gun violence, and avoid letting anyone take their world away from them.

“The Ministry is working hard to bring Child Protection Legislation, Child Justice Bill to protect you as we go forward,” he said, while extending an invitation to the children to visit the Ministry and voice their opinions.

The mural was unveiled by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, while Minister of the Environment and National Beautification, Adrian Forde; Minister of Home Affairs and Information, Wilfred Abrahams; Minister of State in the Ministry of Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight; Chief Education Officer, Dr. Ramona Archer-Bradshaw, and UNICEF Representative, Tanya Radosavljevic, were among those in attendance.

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