Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Mark Franklin, greets first time visitor and Trinidadian competitor, Noelyn Davis and fellow competitor, Cheryl Reyes, on their arrival at the Grantley Adams International Airport, yesterday. Davis and Reyes will compete in the shot put, javelin and discus events at the Barbados National Senior Games. (B. Binds/BGIS)

Just over 200 local and regional athletes are already registered for the Barbados National Senior Games track and field events, slated to come off on Saturday, June 24, and Sunday, June 25, at the Usain Bolt Complex.

Among them, are 12 athletes from Trinidad and three from St. Lucia. The first two athletes from Trinidad arrived at the Grantley Adams International Airport around 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, and were greeted by Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Mark Franklin, and Coordinator of the games, Captain Michael Jules.

Speaking in the arrivals hall, Captain Jules said there has been a good response and interest in the games so far. “There is also interest outside of Barbados. We have close to 200 local competitors in track and field,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Franklin noted that the Ministry was “pleasantly surprised” at the level of regional interest in the games this year, and disclosed that there were already plans in place to do a regional event next year.

“We already established a National Senior Games Committee and will be looking at making linkages with other regional counterparts to see if we could expand the level of interest and bring some more potential competitors…next year,” he said.

Mr. Franklin further noted that the National Senior Games took home the message of healthy and active ageing.

Trinidadian competitors, Cheryl Reyes, and Noelyn Davis, arrived in Barbados on Wednesday afternoon, and said they were excited to be here, to compete in the field events.

During an interview with the Barbados Government Information Service, Ms. Davis said this was her first time to the island competing in the games. She explained that she was inspired by her coach, having reached retirement age, to give it a try.

However, her fellow competitor, Ms. Reyes, said she has competed in the games five times before, but this would be her first time doing field events. “It is great to be back home,” she stated, noting they would both be here for 13 days.            

Both competitors will compete in the shot put, javelin and discus events.

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