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On 23 May 2023, the Honourable the House of Assembly committed the Child Protection Bill, 2023 and the Child Justice Bill, 2023, to a Joint Select Committee (Standing) of the two Houses of Parliament comprising four (4) members of the Honourable the House of Assembly and three (3) members of the Honourable the Senate and has approved the following terms of reference for the Committee:


  1. To enquire into and determine whether the Bills as drafted fulfil the expressed purposes to ensure compliance with the International Conventions on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and all other international instruments to which Barbados is a signatory.
  • To examine the Standard minimum rules for the administration of Justice; the Protection of Juveniles deprived of liberty and the Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency.
  • To examine and analyse whether the provisions of the Bills relate to the promotion of the safety and welfare of the child; the provision of care and protection of a child from abuse and neglect.
  • To enquire whether the best interest of the child is paramount and given the utmost importance within the provisions of the Bills.
  • To examine whether the reform of the criminal law addresses all the concerns relating to children in all matters.
  • To consider whether the Bills as drafted will be effective in the care and protection of the child and act as a strong deterrent against a child committing an offence.
  • To examine and analyse whether the provisions of the Bills as drafted:
  1. Child Protection Bill, 2023 – adequately provides for the establishment of the Child Protection Authority to engender the care and protection, services and promotes the development, adoption and evaluation of policies and procedures which are within its powers and duties; and
  2. Child Justice Bill, 2023 – whether the assessment of a child and the initial inquiry, court proceedings and sentencing will upon effective implementation contribute to positive changes within the society.
  • To examine whether the Bills as drafted offer effective enforcement procedures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Bills.
  • To make recommended changes, if deemed necessary, to the Bills as drafted for further consideration by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel.   

Parliament has appointed the following members to the Joint Select Committee (Standing) on the Social Sector and the Environment:

  • Miss Cynthia Y. Forde, J.P., M.P.
  • Mr. Trevor Prescod, J.P., M.P.
  • Hon. Corey A. Lane, J.P., M.P.
  • Ms. Toni N. S.-A. Moore, J.P., M.P.
  • Senator John A. King
  • Senator Canon Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers, DTh
  • Senator Dr. the Hon. Chelston W. DaC. Brathwaite, CHB, PhD

The Committee is expected to commence its work on Friday, September 1, 2023, at 10:00 am at the Parliament of Barbados, Parliament Buildings, Trafalgar Street, Bridgetown.

The Bills will be available online at www.barbadosparliament.com. The Bills are available for comment on the Barbados Parliament’s website.

In keeping with parliamentary practice, the Committee through this press release invites and encourages the public whether as individuals, professional organisations, community-based groups, official and unofficial bodies with special interest and generally anyone who may assist with its work to submit memoranda or other documents setting out their views and comments on the issues.

The Committee also encourages those persons who may tender written submissions to indicate whether they would also want to appear in person before the Committee to give oral presentations of no more than ten (10) minutes.

The Committee also invites persons who want only to make an oral presentation to indicate such desire and interest to the Committee. The Committee may also invite persons or summon witnesses under the law to attend its meetings to give evidence to help towards formulating a well-informed and balanced report on the captioned subject matter.   

The Committee’s paramount mission will be to conduct a thorough analysis within its mandate to determine whether the provisions of the Bill as they currently stand would achieve their stated objectives.

Persons should submit their views, memoranda to the Clerk of Parliament, Parliament of Barbados, Parliament Buildings, Trafalgar Street, Bridgetown. Those persons who want to appear before the Committee to make oral presentations should indicate their interest in so doing to the Clerk of Parliament at the above address.

Written communication also includes email. Mailed responses should be addressed to the Clerk of Parliament, Parliament of Barbados, Parliament Buildings, Trafalgar Street, Bridgetown. E-mails should be sent to parliamentbarbados@caribsurf.com.

It should be noted that written submissions should reach the Clerk of Parliament no later than Friday, 18 August 2023 (NOW EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2023).

The proceedings of the Joint Select Committee (Standing) will take place at the Parliament of Barbados and will be conducted in public. The proceedings will also be streamed live on the Barbados Parliament’s website, on social media and broadcast on CBC TV whenever possible. Notice of the dates when the Select Committee will sit will be posted via the Barbados Parliament website.

Reports by the Committee will be laid in both Houses of Parliament.

Parliament of Barbados

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