We know you’re ready to GROW GREEN! Feel the satisfaction of growing your own food organically.

Grow Green Barbados is a hands-on gardening programme. It is a joint project of the GEF Small Grant Programme (SGP) implemented by UNDP, the Barbados Government Information Service, the National Conservation Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Security and the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Hosted by Agronomist and Sustainable Development Specialist, Dr. David Bynoe, the five-part video series focuses on organic home gardening. Learn first-hand how to grow and cook your food in a limited but environmentally friendly space.

Grow Green Episode 5 – Sticking to Your Roots

Grow Green Barbados – Episode 5 – Sticking to Your Roots. (BGIS)

In our final episode, Dr. Bynoe explains the benefits of root tubers and demonstrates how to grow sweet potatoes. Chef Adrian Cumberbatch returns to the beach for his final refreshing, organically grown recipe.

Here are the ingredients for Pickled Sweet Potato Salad:

  • Sweet Potato
  • Kale
  • Flavour Peppers
  • Onion
  • Fresh Herbs (Parsley, Chives)
  • Lime Juice
  • Oil
  • Fresh Garlic

Grow Green Champions – Bernice Chase

Bernice Chase, Co-Managing Director of J&P Farms, shows her organic farm and all the amazing products she makes from its produce. (BGIS)

Grow Green Episode 4 – Herbs for Healing

Grow Green Barbados – Episode 4 – Herbs for Healing. (BGIS)

Dr. Bynoe explains the benefits of medicinal herbs and demonstrates how to grow basil, and aloe vera. Chef Adrian Cumberbatch stirs up a medley of vegetables and herbs with beef. It will make your mouth water.

Here are the ingredients for Stir Fry Beef with Savoury Herbs:

  • Angus Strip Beef
  • Christophene
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Onion
  • Fresh Herbs (Parsley, Chives)
  • Oil
  • Teriyaki Glaze
  • Sesame Seeds (Optional)

Grow Green Champions – Dr. Sonia Peters

Dr. Sonia Peters, the Executive Director of the Biocultural Education & Research Programme and avid organic gardener, shows us her herbal apothecary. She also gives the historical background and benefits of some of the plants and herbs in her organic garden. (BGIS)

Grow Green Episode 3 – The Truth About Organic Farming

Grow Green Barbados – Episode 3 – The Truth About Organic Farming. (BGIS)

Dr. Bynoe explains the benefits of organic farming while Chef Adrian Cumberbatch goes vegetarian. He cooks sautéed organic vegetables.

Here are the ingredients:

  • Green Bananas
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Onion
  • Fresh Herbs (Parsley, Chives)
  • Oil

Grow Green Champions – John & Justin Hunte

This week, a father and son team proudly show us their lush backyard organic garden and explain their role in the Organic Growers Cooperative Society. (BGIS)

Go Green Episode 2 – Green Sprouts

Go Green Barbados – Episode Two – Green Sprouts. (BGIS)

Dr. Bynoe shows us an easy way to grow green sprouts while Chef Adrian Cumberbatch goes to the beach. He demonstrates how to make a quick arugula salad with flying fish melts. Why not try it for your next day at the beach.

Here is the ingredient list:

  • Arugula
  • Microgreens
  • Green seasoning
  • Fried Flying Fish
  • Fried Flying Fish Melts
  • Oil
  • Lime Juice

Go Green Champion – Andrew Simpson

Sustainable home designer and organic gardener Andrew Simpson takes us on a tour of his ‘off-the-grid’ home and gives us tips on how to grow food organically. (BGIS)

Go Green Episode 1 – Compost & You

Go Green Barbados – Episode One – Composting. (BGIS)

In this first episode, Compost & You, Dr. Bynoe shows us how to create ‘zero waste’ compost with our kitchen and garden scraps. Chef Adrian Cumberbatch also demonstrates how to make a hearty pork broth made from produce grown in compost-rich soil. Check the above video to learn more.

Here is the mouth-watering PORK BROTH ingredient list so you can try it at home:

  • Stew Pork
  • Pumpkin
  • Fresh Herbs (Thyme, Parsley)
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Onion
  • Garlic Powder
  • Paprika
  • Onion Powder
  • Salt
  • White Pepper
  • Seasoning

Go Green Champion – Senator Dr. Chelston Brathwaite

Grow Green Champion Senator Dr. Chelston Brathwaite shows you his unique way of composting. (BGIS)

Check out more great recipes and cooking advice from Chef Adrian at https://www.instagram.com/cookcaribbe…

We hope you learned a lot of gardening tips to try at home so that together, we can GROW GREEN BARBADOS! Feel free to share your GROW GREEN tips on any our social media – Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Also check out our GROW GREEN shorts.

Grow Green Barbados Team:

  • Host – Dr. David Bynoe
  • Videographer/Editor – Mikul Elcock
  • Script – Dr. David Bynoe & Esther Jones
  • Producers – Aisha Reid & Esther Jones
  • Executive Producers – Kathyann Husbands & Dr. David Bynoe

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