The post-Crop Over 2022 survey is intended to make the Festival more inclusive and generate greater public discourse. (Stock Photo)

The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) is asking members of the public to participate in a post-Crop Over 2022 survey.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro Knight revealed that the survey would be made public during her remarks at a Press Conference held on Wednesday. She said the survey is intended to make the Festival more inclusive and generate greater public discourse.

Those interested in participating can find the survey using one of the links below:

Direct link:

Link through NCF website

The minister also stated that all Barbadians have a stake in the annual festival and as such the opinions of a cross-section of people will be sought.

“The NCF is not the National Cultural Foundation, there are a plethora of events involved in Crop Over. We are cognisant we have a multiplicity of stakeholders …. This is a national festival and Barbadians have a stake as to whether we have a successful Crop Over.

“We will be asking the public to input on the new route for 2023. That survey will target three audiences: masqueraders, vendors and the public – who can have a say in this. The NCF has already been talking to bandleaders to also get their input but certainly we will be hearing from the public,” Dr Munro-Knight told the media.

The minister added that the survey would be buttressed by “other conversations that will happen”.

She further stated: “I know that the NCF has already been talking as well to the bandleaders to get their input, so there will be a multiplicity of inputs that will go into it, but certainly we will hear from the public in relation to how we go forward with the new Crop Over route for 2023.”

Dr Munro-Knight explained that the entire process was expected to last around three months.

“I think that we had agreed that the survey would be out for about three weeks and then of course we have to be able to collate the information from the survey so that gives us let’s say until at least the middle of September. But what we are hoping is that by the middle of November we will be able to come back to the public, after of course we’ve had the Cabinet’s approval, to be able to say this is what Crop Over 2023 will look like,” the minister said.


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